Gay Marriage, Steve King, Europe's Economic Woes, Egyptian Coup...

Morsi has been informed he is no longer President of Egypt by the Army

Egyptian Army on guard on bridge over the Nile River

Media preview

Bolivia to file UN complaint over airspace blockade - RT

Growing Hispanic Population Could turn Texas Blue - ABC News

New York Deploying Military to help with flood victims
Mursi has one hour until deadline - Bloomberg

Tahir Square right now....

Media preview

Live Feed of Tahir Protests in Egypt

Iowa Governor In Video of high speed police chase - Des Moines Register

Hispanic Congressman Quits Caucus Over The Use of Drones On the Border - Houston Chronicle

Gay marriage supported by 56% of the population now - ABC News 

SD Democratic Party Chairman To Run Dems Race Against Steve King in Iowa - Argus Leader

Europe Goes From Bad To Worse - Zero Hedge


Egypt's ElBaradei is meeting with the Army