!!!!!! RT @LeslieNeidig: @scATX BREAKING #NC #HB695 vote scheduled tonight will end safe & legal abortion care in NC Please RetweetFrom The News and Observer
— Jessica W. Luther (@scATX) July 2, 2013
Under the bill, abortion clinics would have to meet standards for licensure of ambulatory surgical centers. According to legislative staff, only one clinic in the state currently meets that standard. The bill would also require doctors to be present when women take the drug RU486, a drug that induces abortions.
Read the bill in question HB 695
You can't make this up - North Carolina abortion restriction bill being debated tonight started as Sharia law ban http://t.co/rbXGi0VECj
— Ari Berman (@AriBerman) July 2, 2013
Anti-choice lawmakers in North Carolina are attacking reproductive freedom. We need to #standwithNCwomen! http://t.co/z1zYUgWwMx
— LPAC (@TeamLPAC) July 3, 2013
“@drummike2012: North Carolina bill that banned Sharia Law has been changed to an anti-abortion bill.RW Christian Sahria Law? #WarOnWomen”MT
— Teresa Wikle Sweeney (@tootswee) July 3, 2013
State Senate Votes On Restrictive Abortion Measure Tacked On To Anti-Sharia Bill: North Carolina's s... http://t.co/DW2BLKNRBb #Politics
— Feeds4U (@Feeds4U) July 3, 2013